PintassilgoPrints is a digital type foundry run by Erica Jung and Ricardo Marcin in Florianópolis, Brazil.
Our fonts have been trusted by creatives to speak for brands such as Cartoon Network, Jamie Oliver, McDonald's, Starbucks, Hasbro, Mattel, Gap, Taschen, Rovio and many others -- check out our fonts-in-use corner.
Our work has been featured in books and magazines such as Computer Arts, Page Magazine, Slanted, PicNic, Typolyrics, Typodarium, The Yearbook of Type.
We've been interviewed by Creative Characters newsletter as well as for the prestigious 8 Faces Magazine, which was later published as stunning hardcover book. Lagom Magazine also printed us in their beautiful pages. We feel quite lucky. And absolutely energized to keep on rocking. ︎
PintassilgoPrints is a digital type foundry run by Erica Jung and Ricardo Marcin in Florianópolis, Brazil.
Our fonts have been trusted by creatives to speak for brands such as Cartoon Network, Jamie Oliver, McDonald's, Starbucks, Hasbro, Mattel, Gap, Taschen, Rovio and many others -- check out our fonts-in-use corner.
Our work has been featured in books and magazines such as Computer Arts, Page Magazine, Slanted, PicNic, Typolyrics, Typodarium, The Yearbook of Type.
We've been interviewed by Creative Characters newsletter as well as for the prestigious 8 Faces Magazine, which was later published as stunning hardcover book. Lagom Magazine also printed us in their beautiful pages. We feel quite lucky. And absolutely energized to keep on rocking. ︎
PintassilgoPrints é uma foundry digital tocada por Erica Jung e Ricardo Marcin em Florianópolis, Brasil
Nossas fontes têm sido escolhidas para falar por marcas como Cartoon Network, Jamie Oliver, McDonald's, Starbucks, Hasbro, Mattel, Gap, Taschen, Lego, Rovio e muitas outras, de todos os tamanhos -- dá uma conferida em nossa janela de fontes em uso.
Nosso trabalho foi publicado em livros e revistas, tais como Computer Arts, Page Magazine, Slanted, PicNic, Typolyrics, Typodarium, The Yearbook of Type.
Fomos entrevistados por Jan Middendorp para o Creative Characters e por Elliot Jay Stocks para prestigiosa 8 Faces Magazine, que depois virou um livro lindo e nos levou junto. A revista Lagom também nos imprimiu em suas belas páginas. Parece que temos sorte. E também muita energia pra seguir fontificando. ︎
PintassilgoPrints é uma foundry digital tocada por Erica Jung e Ricardo Marcin em Florianópolis, Brasil
Nossas fontes têm sido escolhidas para falar por marcas como Cartoon Network, Jamie Oliver, McDonald's, Starbucks, Hasbro, Mattel, Gap, Taschen, Lego, Rovio e muitas outras, de todos os tamanhos -- dá uma conferida em nossa janela de fontes em uso.
Nosso trabalho foi publicado em livros e revistas, tais como Computer Arts, Page Magazine, Slanted, PicNic, Typolyrics, Typodarium, The Yearbook of Type.
Fomos entrevistados por Jan Middendorp para o Creative Characters e por Elliot Jay Stocks para prestigiosa 8 Faces Magazine, que depois virou um livro lindo e nos levou junto. A revista Lagom também nos imprimiu em suas belas páginas. Parece que temos sorte. E também muita energia pra seguir fontificando. ︎

Click to see the internal pages

Click to see the internal pages
8 Faces Collected

Page Magazine

Yearbook of Type #1

Picnic #50

Computer Arts #200

︎ Horst Font http://www.swiss-miss.com/2010/12/horst.html
Changing, Typographica Favorite Typefaces of 2011 http://typographica.org/2012/typeface-reviews/changing/
My Fonts Rising Stars
︎ Populaire Font, Rising Star http://new.myfonts.com/newsletters/rs/201110.html
︎ Monstro Font, Rising Star http://www.myfonts.com/newsletters/rs/201203.html
Monotype Fonts.com: New Best Sellers Newsletter
︎ Kokoschka Family, New Best Sellers for July 2013 http://us5.campaign-archive2.com/?u=23c305dacb54d5cdd26c96d49&id=3f6c8bf42a&e=a6e26a0e96
Grain Edit
︎ Ritornelos Font http://grainedit.com/2010/08/09/new-fonts-available-at-youworkforthem
︎ Daft Brush font – an artistic display face with a lot of positivity
︎ Marker Aid font by PintassilgoPrints – just remarkable!
︎ Polygraph http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-but-tell-it-slant
︎ Soundtrack http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-three-to-the-four
︎ Sforzando http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-moma-said-knock-you-out
︎ Smashing http://http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-101/
︎ Populaire http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-eating-our-own-dog-food
︎ Melkslijter http://typedia.com/blog/post/type-news-unicornucopia
Creative Bloq
Loudine: The hottest typography design trends for 2012
Today’s Obsession: Horst